STRATEGY #18 Don’t Follow The Crowd In Your Market Let God Lead You…

STRATEGY #18 Don’t Follow The Crowd In Your Market, Let God Lead You…

Of the 52 Secrets, this one is of the utmost importance to grasp and has the potential to take your income to the next level.

You don’t want to compete in the marketplace, you want to dominate and give yourself a clear advantage.

The bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

This concept has stood the test of times, it is not new, it is proven, and here is what Earl Nightingale, who is known as a leader in Personal Development, said about this strategy in Lead the Field:

“If you want to achieve success in any endeavor, and have not an example to follow, look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite. Because the majority is always wrong.” — Earl Nightingale

Doing the opposite reminds me of when I was in junior High School and a fight broke out after school and we all started running towards the action. My dad just so happened to be coming around the corner and beeped his horn and motion for me to come and get in the car. After asking where I was running to, he listened and then said these words that have stuck with me over some 40 years:

“When the crowd goes left, you go right. Don’t follow people, lead people.” — Elmer McReynolds

Now This can be said for pretty much anything in life, but it can be HUGE when it comes to your marketing.

So ask yourself, are you leading or following your industry?

Challenge yourself to not look at how everyone else is doing something in your industry but how you can stand out be different and become the only obvious choice for the problem that someone is facing.

If you're wondering how to do this, you’ll find the answer in a not so obvious but obvious place. THE BIBLE. Merely building your business on biblical principles will separate you from the masses. Romans 12:2 says:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Jesus was the greatest marketer of all time, use his example to develop new ways of marketing and growing your business.

Perhaps your new to business and marketing and you’ve recently come across Bible Business Academy or following me you’re bound to come across a lot of uncommon marketing strategies that might make you feel a little “uncomfortable” or you’ll question whether or not they’ll work for you.

If those thoughts have entered your mind, congratulations. You are being challenged to think differently. If you think like everyone else you will get what everyone is getting. God created you for a particular purpose. If you are copying someone else, your walking in their purpose, not yours.

So as crazy as some of these marketing tactics and strategies may seem, don’t dismiss them, ask yourself, how can you implement them in a way that is pleasing to God and will allow you to live out the plans for your business that he has for you.

What you’re going to learn is enormously different than what the majority teaches about business, marketing, and advertising — and, yes probably what you’ve heard will be different also.

If you’ve read this far, it simply means that you are searching for something to help you grow your business and life, because what your doing is not working. Or perhaps some things are working but you're not serving as many customers, clients, or patients as you know you should be. You, just feel like your not living up to your God-given potential. You know something is missing you just can’t put a finger on it.

If you want to accomplish something vastly different and go to a place where you’ve never been before and…TRANSFORM….your life and business you need to “go against the grain” and stop conforming to the patterns of how everyone else markets themselves, how everyone else advertises, or how everyone else sells.

Now that you fully get and understand that you must go left when everyone else is going right as my dad said, I am sure your wondering… HOW DO I DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY?

PRAYER, ACTION, and WISE COUNCIL. … Study the book of Nehemiah in the bible on how praying and asking God for guidance, seeking help and his leadership allowed him to accomplish things in under a year that others couldn’t accomplish. You can also click here to watch a training that I did on Nehemiah.

Take action on what you’ve learned. How many of the 17 strategies of the 52 have you actually taken action on? Are you just reading them but not, implementing them? Are you praying about them and asking God, how can you apply them to your business?

Most will never pick up the bible and read it, therefore, they will never know His love and plan for their life or their business. Most will never read or even know about the marketing strategies that we have shared with you.

So now that you have, will you take massive action and implement these marketing strategies into your own business — will you implement biblical principles into your business?

God gives you the power to create wealth and prosperity, not because of you, but because of a promise that he made, and he will not go back on his promises. So go do your part and take action on what you’ve read and heard.

Don’t take my word for it, let’s look at what the bible says in the book of James: James 2:14–26

Faith and Good Works

14 My brothers and sisters, if a person claims to have faith but does nothing, that faith is worth nothing. Faith like that cannot save anyone. 15 Suppose a brother or sister in Christ comes to you in need of clothes or something to eat. 16 And you say to them, “God be with you! I hope you stay warm and get plenty to eat,” but you don’t give them the things they need. If you don’t help them, your words are worthless. 17 It is the same with faith. If it is just faith and nothing more — if it doesn’t do anything — it is dead.

18 But someone might argue, “Some people have faith, and others have good works.” My answer would be that you can’t show me your faith if you don’t do anything. But I will show you my faith by the good I do. 19 You believe there is one God. That’s good, but even the demons believe that! And they shake with fear.

20 You fool! Faith that does nothing is worth nothing. Do you want me to prove this to you? 21 Our father Abraham was made right with God by what he did. He offered his son Isaac to God on the altar. 22 So you see that Abraham’s faith and what he did worked together. His faith was made perfect by what he did. 23 This shows the full meaning of the Scriptures that say, “Abraham believed God, and because of this faith he was accepted as one who is right with God.” Abraham was called “God’s friend. 24 So you see that people are made right with God by what they do. They cannot be made right by faith alone.

25 Another example is Rahab. She was a prostitute, but she was made right with God by something she did. She helped those who were spying for God’s people. She welcomed them into her home and helped them escape by a different road.

26 A person’s body that does not have a spirit is dead. It is the same with faith — faith that does nothing is dead!

If you want help growing in your faith and finances, click here to book a strategy session. During this call, we will counsel on where you're at now, where you want to go, and what’s stopping you from getting there, and finally are you willing to invest in your time, money, and resources to get what your heart desires.

Cathy McReynolds

Business Bible Strategist

CEO- Bible Business Academy

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