Why Add “Done For You” Offers?


What would you do today with your time if you had enough money to live life as you want and still generate lots of money and make the impact that you desire WITHOUT being present or needing to do the work?

A lot of businesses have membership sites, training programs, coaching, events, and much more. The price of those programs generally costs from $19.95 to $1997.00.

So let’s say you have a course that you charge $1997 for and your goal is to earn 1 million dollars by helping people in your area of expertise. This means you would need to help 501 to earn a million dollars.

So if we break that down further that means if you desire to reach that goal in one year, that’s 501 customers that must say yes. In order to get to that 500, you would need to have your offer in front of 50,000 people for the year, and 20% of them (10,000) become leads that year.

Of those 10,000 leads you received for the year, you book appointments with 2,000. And 25% (500) have to say yes to your course offer for $1997. That means if you multiply 501 new customers x $1997 the cost of the course = you make 1.0 Million.

That means each month you would need 167 appointments booked. Per week that comes out to 42 appointments on your calendar. If you and your team are working 5 days a week that means your calendar needs to have 8 appointments each day and your team has to be good enough to have a 30% closing ratio. Most close around 10% and the best salespeople in the industry only close 30%.

Your heart and faith are in the right place, but have you ever considered that the action you are taking is not the right action needed to exercise your faith and get you miraculous type results quicker?

In the Bible James 2:14–26 says: What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. ..

You can translate that to say for your business, what good is it for you the faith-driven entrepreneur to say what you can do for people, post what you can do for people, and not take the appropriate income and impact producing steps and put the right offer in front of the right people.

This is an example of only having faith apart from the RIGHT works needed to achieve the results that you desire in record-breaking time.

Showing faith by your works is doing the right income-producing activities that will yield the results that you want because of your faith in God to do what He said he would do, prosper you.

How do you know what the right income-producing activities are? By seeking the wise counsel of those who have what you want and then doing the activity that is required and listening to God.

One of the biggest things that can contribute to the growth of your company and reaching your goal of earning one million dollars quicker is by implementing this one strategy. Offering a premium-priced offer or some call it a big-ticket program.

A recommended premium offer is to have a “Done For You” offer. This type of offer tends to command larger price tags. Here is why. There is a small percentage of people on your list that just want everything done for them so they can do other things in their business…or just take the day off and goof off, travel, serve their mission or just do what they want when they want.

So they’ll pay big money to get everything done for them. It is no different than a successful business owner hiring someone and paying them a salary of 50k to 100k+ because of their experience and expertise to perform a certain task in their business.

The advantage of contracting you to do it instead is so they can avoid the big payroll taxes and paying employee benefits for having an employee versus bringing you on as a contractor. Or they are only needing a system set up or working on a special project for the quarter and need a specialty service or person to do it for them.

Think about the product or service you offer and what you can turn into a “Done For You” offer. You could easily command $5000 to $100,000 depending on your product/service if you understand the value that you offer, put your offer in front of qualified people, and activate your faith by your works.

So instead of needing 500 people to reach a million dollars because you only have a course for $1997, you can also have a “Done For You” offer that is 25k, which means you only need 40 customers to reach a million. Having both can help you scale your income and impact quicker.

Grab a Bible and start discovering biblical principles about, Why Add “Done For You” Offers? Also if you need help in implementing these winning strategies in your life and business along with a supernatural marketing game plan like Jesus go to biblebusinessacademy.com to learn more.

PS: If you are ready to grow your business and create the life that your heart desires with mission marketing and biblical principles so you can help more people while growing in faith and finances, go to biblebusinessacdemy.com download the FREE report, read it, watch the webinar and then book a strategy call.
Got questions? Email us at info@cathymcreynolds.com
or call 1–833-BIBLE-BIZ.

Cathy McReynolds

CEO of Bible Business Academy

A Bible Business Strategist & Financial Advisor who has over 25 years of experience and is dedicated to helping you grow in faith and finances by using biblical principles & mission marketing and sales strategies in your business.
Get Bible Business Strategies & Financial advice that helps you grow in faith & finances by using biblical principles and mission marketing & sales strategies at biblebusinessacademy.com



Bible Business Academy: Cathy McReynolds

Get Bible Business Strategies & Financial advice that helps you grow in faith & finances by using biblical principles and mission marketing & sales strategies.